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Ponyfication Station - Children Mending Hearts
This past weekend, SOHO participated at the Ponyfication Station at Children Mending Hearts 6th Annual Fundraiser “Empathy Rocks: A Spring Into Summer Bash 2014! We had...
One for Haiti
It is our second delivery of Ali sales for a total of $7,040 through Hosanna Publisher.We are now supporting 400 orphans with the amount that...
SoHo Coming Soon to Canada!
SOHO went through special training with Karin Mouflier and her daughter Jessica Mouflier- our first Soho operators in Canada- at Fashion Show Mall this past week....
SOHO at Pony-fication in Hollywood
Some our Soho Main Office employees had the opportunity to the MLP Pony-fication event in Hollywood this past Sunday (4/13). They got to meet different...
SOHO at FIDM Industry Expo
"Industry Expo is different from other Career Center events because it's a casual setting for current students and FIDM Alumni to meet and greet employers...
Summertime Madness
Summer is right around the corner! We've already been hit with a few weeks of extreme heat, but are we prepared for the summer heat madness?!...
*NEW* Elastic Headbands are here!!
We have NEW elastic headbands in stock! They are great for that boho-chiq look for the upcoming summer! You can also do the tuck-in style...
Add Bubbles to Your Summer!
Ready to do something fun with your normal ponytail!? Bubble ponytails are in season! Remember Princess Jasmine from the Disney movie, Aladdin? Her hairstyle is...
SOHO at Sassy City Chicks
From Sassy City Chicks FB:"Ladies!!! You can't not miss our Sample Sale shopping event at the Petersen Museum April 10th from 5:00 to 10:00 pm...